Book and layout design for 'The Kubblee Study Workbook' including a 12-week planner, forming a brand consistency through key assets and visual language which was then taken across other areas of the brand.
Kubblee’s mission is 'to offer every adult learner the tools and the support they need to find ways of learning that really work for them'.
So the approach to this brief was to ensure this workbook was as far from traditional educative material as possible. Ensuring the mix of bright colours and sketch-like designs created an engaging study book to help individuals 'discover powerful learning techniques, drawn from new and established research'. I was provided with a rough draft of the book and 12-week planner on Canva, as well as the initial thoughts on visual language which gave me the tools to then create a more consistent look & feel.
This is a great example of how design can be used to enhance the delivery of important learning techniques and research in a way where it can be easily digested but at the same time fuelled with fun. I had an amazing time collaboratively working on this project with the client, their passion was infectious and I am incredibly proud of what we ended up with.
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